Thursday 31 July 2014

another amazing day!

It has been another amazing day. The students have settled into the routine and Dany  from Elemental says they are one of the best groups he has ever had and that he is genuinely impressed with their attitude and determination to succeed.
Everyone has done exceptionally well but special mention goes to Faaiq who did the via ferrata on his birthday and to Megan who  was amazing at climbing and to Dan Harwood who completed the black run in the jungle.
A very special mention to Tom Gilbert who was utterly amazing at climbing!
It's hard not to feel emotional when you see such fine youngsters doing so well and achieving so much. They make us all so very proud.
 Tomorrow we go white water rafting, so until then, au revoir.

Wednesday 30 July 2014

day 1 carousel

Today we divided into four groups for the carousel. Each group will undertake four challenges over two days. These are mountain biking, the via ferrata, climbing and jungle high ropes. Today all of us have done two of the challenges and will do two more tomorrow.
It has been a tough day with everyone achieving new heights.
Special mention to just a few students who really surprised themselves and us with their achievements.
Dan Parkinson, Ross Davidson,  Bethany Boyd-Lee, Paige McElhatton, Faaiq Malik and Elliot Courtade on the high ropes. These students were amazing today, each pushing themselves beyond expectations.
Rebecca Higham, Sarah Hills and Khansa Ajaib on the rock climb, not only for doing so well but for really supporting others.
Joel Larter for just not giving up on the mountain biking with George Loxton, Dan Harwood and Rob Faulkner.
On the via ferrata Bethany Anders and Lena Stroem demonstrated excellent team work , helping their whole team to cross.
What a great day!

Tuesday 29 July 2014

Safe arrival at Les Orres

We have all arrived safely with no incidents along the way despite some very rainy weather. The coach driver remarked that we were the best behaved group he had ever driven.
The hotel is delightful and most welcoming. For some of us who have been here before it was a chance to renew old acquaintances and for the rest of us , to make new friends.
Because of the rain we did not go swimming but instead played games before and after dinner. Dinner was a delicious French chicken casserole with roasted new potatoes and pear salad. Yummy. Everyone has eaten very well indeed. Now safely tucked in bed we are all set for the adventures to come. Au revoir.

Thursday 10 July 2014

Thank you

Thank you for coming to the information evening. If you were unable to attend you should have recieved a copy of the tour information in the post. Please hand in any passports and ehics if you have not already done so. We leave at 19:00 on the dot on Monday 28th July so please be on site at 18:30 at the latest. make sure all your medication is named and in a bag with a clear note of when you should take it.